Tag Archives: summer school

Daily Update: 15 March 2012

Today the power was out from first thing this morning until a little after 5pm. And due to the limited life of my laptop’s battery, I started the day in my notebook (possibly at the pub, where we maybe had lunch).

Without the distraction of the internet (in conjunction with my dead phone battery), I easily completed the final draft of my exhibition proposal (which I’d convinced myself was due tomorrow but, having just checked my diary for something else, is actually due Monday!)

I emailed my thesis supervisor, once the power came back on, about my thesis thoughts. Included the following:

My thesis ideas are heading towards looking at children in galleries (participatory programs, exhibition design, best practice, etc.) and using the NGA, NGV, and QAG as my case studies (relatively easy to visit, significant institutions, varying program structures, etc.) The general ‘question’/‘discussion topic’ I fleshed out before summer school is the following:

Children’s programs and resources at the NGA, NGV, and QAG: best practice, appropriateness of programs and resources, and the involvement of children throughout the institution.

I want to investigate the varying definitions of ‘children,’ what’s working and what’s not, where the institutions differ, how the programs are developed/run, and then try to form some concept of ‘best practice’ for involving children in Australian galleries, etc. and perhaps include some sort of exhibition proposal package as a way of demonstrating how these ideas could be realised by institutions.

Rookie Mistake

Last night my brain refused to shut up until after 3AM. Irritating to say the least. Especially as my exhibition proposal package is due Friday and we have a scheduled power outage all day tomorrow. Therefore, my schedule today is as follows:

Me via Instagram

Here’s hoping I cross it all off. And don’t die of caffeine poisoning (is that possible??)

From #ChifleyLibrary: Best. Package. Ever.

Today I received what has been dubbed the “Nerdiest. Package. Ever.” from my uni library services. Volumes one and two of Marcie Muir’s A Bibliography of Australian Children’s Books (1970 & 1976). Best use of my (compulsory but deferrable) student fees as an off-campus student. (And yes, yes I do intend to use and abuse this service for my thesis – suckahs shoulda neva let me know about it!)

Source: Me via Instagram

Today has also seen me:

  • Wake up at 7.09am (when the ooolllddd alarm on my even older phone went off – woops!)
  • Eat a crumpet for breakfast and wuffle with Charlie dog before…
  • Going next door to clean the holiday rental (and subsequently find a bunch of minor maintenance issues)
  • Writing some intro and planning points for my (mock) exhibition catalogue essay before…
  • Heading to the post office to check the mail and receive the “Best. Package. Ever.”
  • Subsequent reading of newly acquired books ensued
  • Followed by a brief mental break to watch the first episode of Dance Academy season two via iView

Me via Instagram

  • Before my landlord appeared at my front door bearing a scanner for me to borrow (for which I had asked for in an email I sent her less than an hour previously!)
  • And now it is 1716 and I am all done with reading my books (but possibly still have some articles that need reading, I’ll have to check my Mendeley!) and need to hit the clickety-clackety of writing this essay before the thoughts all leave my head.

On a side note, today also saw me chatting with the NLA (@nlagovau) via Twitter about my research and people to contact in regard to it. Score one for social networking!

Achievement Unlocked: productive afternoon

Achieved Today
Cleaned the bathroom
Had a nap
Read five articles

I spent about three to four hours this afternoon doing some ‘starter’ research for my exhibition package’s catalogue (my summer school project). It’s making me feel like maybe I want to change the direction of my (potential) thesis! And I’d love too include an exhibition proposal/plan within my thesis 🙂

Exhibition Title
Still Reading Picture Books: highlights from the Marcie Muir Collection of the National Library of Australia.

I’m looking into Muir’s collecting policies and practices, and how these are reflected in her collection (which is now held by the NLA).

Life Update and Today’s Academic Accountability Schedule

Life Update

  • 24-26/2: Spent a faboo weekend at Karingal campsite with some lovely ladies from the NSW and ACT Olave Program (more to come on that – possibly on a dedicated blog/journal for my Guiding)
  • 26-27/2: Spent a fun night at the farm (and was given a bunch of estate sale finds from my MIL – win!)
  • 28/2-3/1: Visited Canberra (a whirlwind tour) with Daniel and caught up with more people than I thought possible
  • Wrote my action plan for my OBP award (more to come on that)

Academic Accountability (plus some for the home)

My goals for today:

  • Listen to the audio/video references I’ve bookmarked for my exhibition proposal
  • Read current references for exhibition proposal
  • Read articles on wall labels >> start drafting some wall labels for exhibition proposal
  • Clean the kitchen
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Re-file the documents we took to Canberra (because losing a birth/marriage certificate is annoying!)

To remember

Requested from ANU library via the Off-Campus Service:
Muir, Marcie. A bibliography of Australian children’s books. Deutsch, 1970.

Back to Reality

I am back in Mallacoota after just over a week in Canberra for summer school. And wow, it was a blast! It was an amazingly packed week with a group of people who were passionate about the topic and happy to indulge my (great) desire to talk about everything.

I will post more about what happened each day, as well as discuss my assessment task (exhibition proposal plan), but for now I will leave you with my favourite photo from the trip:

At the National Museum of Australia’s Eternity exhibition;
me with the flower clock and Benita from 1990s Australian Playschool

Pre-Departure Panic

I am leaving for Canberra tomorrow to attend my week-long summer school classes. And yes, I am having a mini panic attack about it (what we call a ‘kitty meltdown’ in our house).

Panic attack symptoms in women: fear, breathlessness, choking sensation, palpitations of the heart, restlessness, increased muscular tension

I am stressing about:

  • Driving to Canberra (and the fact it will most likely rain along the way — I hate the drive out of town in the rain and there are a lot of back-country roads that are horrid wet also)
  • Navigating in Canberra (I have not been everywhere I am visiting with my class and my satnav has karked it so HELP! and buy me a new one)
  • Being alone (with no Dan, kitties or puppy to hug when I need a hug)
  • Attending classes (they run, typically, 10-5.30 and I am having a lot of trouble getting rested lately and not being exhausted in the morning – and coffee is not the solution as 1) it makes me have the panics, and 2) it makes me ‘wheezy’ which means I need to take a hit from my puffer and that gives me double panics!)
  • Not having time to see people while I am in Canberra (long days + readings and resting = no time for catch ups = boooo!!!!)
  • Getting up on time (see the point above about exhaustion)
  • Ridiculously, my hair (I am not convinced by my new haircut some days and today it is being especially flopsy and uncooperative — but I think I just need to avoid conditioning it, maybe)
Cartoon image of the Soft Kitty song

I just remembered I have not packed my teas — cannot survive without them!!

PS: I know I gave up on the Winter Challenge halfway through. I have had a bit of a rough week preparing for next week (stress related) and did not really get dressed very well each day. I will try and document my outfits while I am in class via What I Wore Today.

Daily Update 27.1.2012

I have put my thesis thoughts on the back-burner as I am leaving for summer school in a week. This means I am intensively analysing resources, preparing to write lots, and planning what to wear.

Today I have: finished looking at/reading/listening to/watching most of Day 1’s resources. This does not sound like much, but there are 23 resources provided for Day 1.  I also did some running around and errands for home.


‘Summer School’ info post

I always associate the term ‘summer school’ with poorly performing students in American novels (Claudia from The Babysitters Club pops into mind readily). However, this time around, ‘summer school’ is a week-long, intensive course I will be attending on-campus in order to complete the coursework requirements of my MA. This course is part of the Museums & Collections specialisation (rather than my Art History & Curatorship specialisation) and focuses on exhibition development.

I am hoping this course will be an interesting look into the development of exhibitions, rather than my current understanding of collecting in general.

NB: the convenor is aware I am an online student and am only in Canberra for the length of the face-to-face classes.


1. Portfolio that includes:

  • Visualisation of design (eg. poster or CDROM that includes 2-3 sample wall texts): 50%
  • Catalogue essay (800 words): 15%
  • Project exegesis (1500 words): 25%

2. Attendance and presentation of design on final day: 10%

Pre-requisite Reading